We commit to your success in the digital world

Our clients value high ownership, business-driven approach, and top engineering standards

Data Science
Data Science

Turn raw data into insights to guide strategy and drive growth with analytics.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Use algorithms to analyze data, extract patterns, and make predictions, automating decisions for improved efficiency and innovation.

Deep Learning
Deep Learning & AI

Use deep neural networks to analyze complex data, enabling advanced pattern recognition, NLP, and image classification across industries like healthcare and autonomous systems.

Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development

Specializing in creating custom, automated business solutions. Our expertise lies in crafting powerful, user-friendly mobile and web apps. From simple data collection tools to complex workflow solutions, we work closely with clients to bring their visions to life.

Our project phases include Discovery, UX/UI design, Infrastructure Design, Development, Final Testing, and Launch.

Website & Software Development
Website & Software Development

We offer comprehensive website and software development solutions tailored to meet your business goals. Our team specializes in building scalable, user-friendly, and secure applications that drive innovation and streamline operations.

From startups to enterprises, we harness the latest technologies and best practices to deliver robust digital products that elevate your business performance.

Data Scraping and Crawling
Data Scraping / Crawling

Extract specific information from webpages into new formats (CSV, Excel) or collect URLs based on keywords.
Examples include: e-commerce product/price/size scraping, hotel scraping, maps link indexing, store and contact scraping, and many more.

Leads Generation

Automated extraction of potential customer information, such as contact details or business-related data, from various online sources, streamlining the process of building a database of leads for marketing and sales purposes.

Automation Discord, Telegram, Whatsapp
Automation Discord/Telegram/Whatsapp

Automate tasks such as responding to user queries, sending updates, processing commands, and integrating with external services using custom scripts or programs.

  • Language: Python 3
  • Framework: Telethon/DiscordPy
  • Database: MongoDB/Firebase/Redis/etc
Station Bridge
Station Bridge

Digital talent services. Providing digital talent according to company needs.

  • Requirement
  • Framework: Telethon/DiscordPy
  • Database: MongoDB/Firebase/Redis/etc
Candidate Information
  • Name
  • University
  • GPA
  • WhatsApp
  • LinkedIn
  • Projects handled (list of projects, language used, project description)
  • Portfolio (upload PDF)